Why Everyone Should Add Structure To Their Day

Why Everyone Should Add Structure To Their Day

Why Everyone Should Add Structure To Their Day

It happens entirely too often. I have these grand plans for my days and then by the time the evening rolls around, I am feeling less and less motivated to do anything at all. It feels sad and wasteful, but also like there is nothing else I can do. I get tired, lazy, and all energy that I had left goes out the window. 

So why am I telling you about this sad part of my day that feels absolutely useless? Because I believe each part of our day is meant to serve a purpose. I believe each part of our day can be capitalized on, but it depends what you are trying to get done and what kind of person you are. 

What I realized for me is that I am a morning person. I do my best work in the morning. I have the most energy and creativity in the morning. It’s when I thrive. Yet each day when I wake up I schedule so many other things for the first part of my day that by the time it’s time for me to sit down and write, all energy is drained of me. I never actually want to sit and write at night and my day has soaked up all of my energy and thoughts on a million other things. So I have nothing left to give, to say, or to write about. 

By structuring my days like this I realized that I am automatically setting myself up to fail. I am starting my day off with a shrinking window of time and leaving the one thing that makes me come alive to the very last shreds of energy that I have left. It is not the way that I want to live and even though I have spent many days like this, growing angry with myself for not feeling like writing or motivated to work on my blog, the way I set up my days really was the root of the problem. 

If you’re wondering why any of this matters, trust me it does. It all comes back to the little things, the small parts of your day that you probably don’t think twice about. Brushing your teeth. Brewing your coffee. Well now it’s time to brew your habits. 

Your habits are a part of you. In fact your habits are probably the biggest part of you. They are what you do everyday, regardless if you consciously remember to or not. 

So as you go to plan your day tomorrow, think about what kind of person you are. Morning person? Night owl? And be honest, because this is about maximizing YOUR time. Not anyone else’s. This is about you being the best you can be for you, not for anyone else. 

If there is a part of your life that you just can’t seem to improve upon or everyday feels like a struggle to get where you want to be, you might want to take a step back and look at how you are giving energy to it. Are you making your goals and dreams a priority and giving them the full attention they deserve or are you throwing whatever you can to the wall and seeing what sticks?

Adding just a little bit of structure into your days will help to maximize your time and make you feel even more accomplished. By doing less and letting go, it all gets done.


brew your habits.

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