Do I Always Need To Be Working On A Project?

Do I Always Need To Be Working On A Project?

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I don’t know about you, but I find that I am often asking myself, do I need to always be working on a project of some sort? Should I always be trying to think of something new or figuring out what I want to do next? I believe the answer is different for everyone, since we are all on different paths. The biggest project that I was focusing on this year was getting married. And while I am still able to get married, the celebration aspect has shifted entirely. Many, many times. But despite all that is going on in the world, I am still always looking for my next project. 

I have this blog that I am fortunate enough to continue writing here and sharing ideas, but I am of course always wondering what should come next? What else do I feel like I have inside of me that is waiting to come out? And even more than that, what do people need to hear? How can I better help you? How can I be of service to more than just myself in the world?

For those of you who are mothers, still in school, or in the workforce (or all of the above!) I am in awe of you. You have project after project that you are probably working on. We each have our own unique path, but we also share a lot more similarities than you might think. If you are starting to ask yourself what kind of project you could even take on and thinking to yourself that you don’t even know where to start, the truth is it can be super simple. It’s how I got started and it’s how I continue to push through the doubt and the fear and the uncertainty that I am faced with today. 

You don’t need much to work on yourself. You don’t have to have an end goal, because the work on yourself never ends. That’s the hard part but that’s also the beauty of it!

I love a good new project to sink my teeth into, don’t get me wrong. But the best project of all is when I remember to work on myself. You don’t need much to work on yourself. You don’t have to have an end goal, because the work on yourself never ends. That’s the hard part but that’s also the beauty of it! We get to choose every second of everyday what we want to put into life and what we want to get out of it. I have worked super hard these last few years to figure out what I need, what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. What do I need more of in my life and what could I probably do less of? The answers to these questions will be different for everyone but at the core of it I believe we should all move more, listen better, and work on ourselves every single day. 

You might think you don’t have a “project” right now because there isn’t anything at the moment that makes you tick, that you want to sink your teeth into and that’s okay! Not all projects have to make you money or get you more Instagram followers. Or TikTik followers, whatever the kids are on these days. But you do have an obligation to yourself. Whether you are single, in a relationship, a mom, a daughter, in school, working full time, you are your most important asset. If you aren’t putting yourself first, your health and your happiness and all the people and things that you love will inevitably be put last. Take care of yourself every single day and never stop working on being the best version of YOU

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